Modul 5: Applicants´ workshop on MSCA-Individual Fellowships
Typ akce: | workshop |
Kdy: | 05.06.2019 7:30 - 15:00 |
Kde: | Technology Centre CAS, Ve Struhách 27, 160 00 Prague 6 |
Detailní informace:
Technology Centre CAS takes pleasure in inviting you to the applicants´ workshop on How to write#### a competitive proposal for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships? The workshop will take place on 5 June 2019 at the premises of the Technology Centre CAS, Ve Struhách 27, 160 00 Prague 6. It is part of our training module „How to successfully participate in H2020?“
To maximize the impact and effectiveness the workshop is open only to researchers who are currently preparing a MSCA-IF proposal for the 2019 call and have agreed with their future host institution/supervisor on a concrete work plan.
To attend the workshop the applicants are required to send a CV (max. 5 pages) and a short abstract of the proposal (max. 2000 characters) according to the instructions in the MSCA-IF-2019 Guide for Applicants using the MSCA-IF-2019 call template.
Please send your CV and abstract in one Word document to Ms. P. Ondrackova ( till May 15, 2019.
The event will be held in English. Translations will not be provided.