Technologické centrum Praha

Feedback results on Horizon Europe

... the power of thoughts

Feedback results on Horizon Europe


Feedback results on Horizon Europe

The European Commission has published results of the feedback on the planned Horizon Europe program. More than 8 000 respondents from universities and research organisations, business and industry, NGOs, public authorities and from international organisations filled out the questionnaires.

Respondents supports the targeted priorities of Horizon Europe and stressed the importance of the role of research and innovation in finding sustainable solutions, especially for climate related challenges. Respondents appreciated the simplification of Horizon 2020 procedures, but still sees the scope for further improvements. The questionnaires show that respondents want simplification of rules, simplification of templates for writing designs or improvement of IT systems.

The full outcome of the public consultations will be available at the end of October and will inform about the next steps in the strategic planning process.

More information is available here.