The long-term low representation of women in research in the Czech Republic is also reflected in the extent of their involvement in the preparation of prestigious ERC grants.

Although the success rate of the female researchers in submitting ERC grants in the FPs is almost identical mto that of the male researchers at the global and national czech level in the long term and the female researchers have at global level almost the same success rate as the male researchers in the project proposals related to technical fields, their involvement in the preparation of ERC grants is much lower than that of their male colleagues.
The ratio of the number of ERC project proposals is 6:1 in Czechia in favour of men in the long term from 2007 to 2021. At the level of the Czech Republic, it can therefore be concluded that the more ERC grant schemes are directed towards more experienced researchers and the more they concern technical fields, the less women researchers are involved in their preparation. The gender balance is most balanced for ERC project proposals in the social sciences and humanities.
The full text of the article entitled "The long-term low representation of women in research in the Czech Republic is also reflected in the extent of their involvement in the preparation of prestigious ERC grants" can be found in our National Studies and Monitoring section on the Horizon Europe website.