CBE JU National information day held in TC Prague
![CBE JU National information day held in TC Prague](/files_public/images/thumb-562-375-thumb-562-375-_dsc7681_402.jpg)
The Technology Centre Prague in cooperation with the BioEast Hub CZ and Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) organised National information day on 14 May to present the possibilities of cooperation with the CBE JU, and in particular the opportunities in the currently open call, which will run until 18 September 2024. CBE JU is the partnership between the European Union and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) and is funded by the Horizon Europe programme.
After the participants were welcomed by the organisers - Naďa Koníčková for TC Prague and Marie Kubaňková for BioEast hub CZ - Šárka Štejnarová presented the possibilities of cooperation in European partnerships from the perspective of the Ministry of Agriculture. The role of the state representatives in the CBE JU was presented by the Czech member prof. David Kubička.
The objectives of CBE JU, topics of currently open calls and specifics of the requirements were presented by Virginia Puzzolo, Head of Programme Unit of the CBE JU, and Samuele Ambrosetti, Innovation and Programming manager at BIC. The participants of the information day were presented with the concrete examples of activities and products of Czech companies active in the field of bioeconomy - ProPelety was represented by Vladimír Hájek and Bohempia by Tomáš Rohal, both companies are members of the BioEast Hub CZ.
The industrial cluster supporting the use of hemp was presented by its president Hana Gabrielová. In the afternoon, the guests from CBE JU, together with representatives of BioEast Hub and TC Prague, visited Biopreparáty at its headquarters in Úherec, where they learned more about innovative solutions in the field of production and use of biological plant protection products based on the microscopic fungus Pythium oligandrum.
- Virginia Puzzolo: CBE JU in support of circular bioeconomy in Europe
- Samuele Ambrosetti: How to benefit from collaboration with Bio-based Industries Consortium
- David Kubička: Role of the CBE JU State representative group
- Virginia Puzzolo: CBE JU Call 2024 (Priorities and novelties, Rules for applicants, …)
- Hana Gabrielová: Activities and projects of Industry cluster for the development of the hemp sector in the Czech Republic
- Vladimír Hájek: ProPelety Ltd.
- Tomáš Rohal: Bohempia s.r.o.