Workshops for ERC applicants: Guidelines for the expression of interest

Are you planning to submit a project proposal to an upcoming European Research Council (ERC) call? Would you like to benefit from the expert support available in the Czech Republic?
On 10 March 2025, we officially launch registration for this year's preparatory workshops, organised by Technology Centre Prague together with the Expert Group for supporting ERC applicants.
In order to give interested applicants time to familiarise themselves with the guidelines, we are publishing detailed instructions together with the ERC project proposal template in advance now.
We remind you of the basic eligibility conditions:
- Researchers of any nationality, but with a host institution based in the Czech Republic
- Applicants for ERC Starting or Consolidator grants only (i.e. applicants for ERC Advanced or Synergy grants are not eligible).
To be admitted to the workshops you must:
1. Complete the registration form (forms will be automatically made available on 10 March at 12:00).
2. Send your abstract and CV and track record (according to the official binding template, see attachment) to
by 30 March 2025 at the latest. Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis. Places may fill up before the final deadline.
Please pay attention to the quality of the materials that you send. The Expert Group reserves the right to decline applicants whose supporting materials will not be in line with ERC rules.
What can you expect during the workshops, and how do two ERC Starting Grant holders reflect on their experiences with the national support system? Watch our short video:
In case of questions, please contact us at
We are looking forward to your applications!